Online Resources
NYS Attorney General's Office
At every level of government and in the nonprofit and private sectors as well, there are resources to help consumers. Educate yourself to be a good consumer. However, if you need help fighting for your rights, there are agencies that can help. What follows are some of them. You can also check out our A-Z listing.
Consumer Reports
Consumer info from Consumer Reports magazine.
National Foundation for Credit Counseling
The NFCC sets the national standard for quality credit counseling, debt reduction services, and education for financial wellness.
NYS Public Service Commission
The New York State Public Service Commission (PSC) is the state’s regulatory agency for all utilities, including electric and gas companies, and telephone companies.
Sales Tax Rates in Westchester
Sales tax within Westchester can vary from municipality to municipality. Find out what the sales tax is where you live or shop. This is particularly important when you buy a car.
US Department of Housing and Urban Development
A not-for-profit counseling agency may also be able to help. A list of counseling agencies that are approved by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is available. HUD can also be reached by telephone at 1 (800) 569-4287 or TDD 1 (800) 877-8339.