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Homes and Sustainable Building

Programs and incentives are offered to consumers to boost energy efficiency and promote environmentally responsible buildings.

Building Standards and Guidelines Program
  DOE's Building Standards & Guidelines Program is developing compliance tools and training materials, providing information, and offering technical assistance on building energy codes. Their site contains model energy codes, code compliance materials, training information, news and contacts.
Energy Efficient Building Association (EBBA)
  EEBA promotes the awareness, education, and development of energy efficient, environmentally responsible buildings, and communities.
NYSERDA Residential programs and incentives
  NYSERDA offers many programs and incentives to homeowners of single family and multi-family residences; programs and incentives for building an Energy Star new home, upgrade your existing home, metering to manage your electricity use, programs for multi-unit residences and  more are explained.
Residential Energy Services Network's (RESNET)
  Their mission is to improve the energy efficiency of the nation's housing stock and to qualify more families for home ownership by expanding the national availability of mortgage financing options and home energy ratings. RESNET is a membership 501-C-3 non-profit organization.
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council (SBIC)
  SBIC is an independent, nonprofit organization whose mission is to advance the design, affordability, energy performance, and environmental soundness of America’s buildings. SBIC not only supports passive solar design, but also building-integrated photovoltaics, energy efficiency, daylighting, healthy indoor environments, and other aspects of sustainable design and construction.